Sunday, January 06, 2008

Sunday Update

Sunday here, just returned from church. It was wonderful to be able to participate with others in worship today.

Mike left on Thusday and returned Saturday from an excursion to the northern region of Malawi. They planted a trial and demonstration plot of improved corn varieties.

The difficult issues of improving productivity aren't just technical, but also social. To be effective and long lasting, community development must be done in the local social context.

As Malawian pastors plant and water seeds of faith in spiritual development, we are desiring to assist their ministies working in community development. So many families struggle to feed themselves and meet basic human needs.

When we visit the orphan care program on Thursday the village headmen(chiefs) and area village headman(chief of chiefs) will be present. Mike has been asked to address them. Please pray for Mike as he speaks. The chiefs have been taking more responsibility for the program and Mike will thank them and encourage them to continue.

The primary battle here and elsewhere, is a spirtual one; against the forces of evil that breakdown the family and other relationships. The challenges are great and the goal may not be reached in this short trip, but we must engage in the effort. Please continue to pray for the people in Malawi, and Pray for the Harvest.


Anonymous said...

It is Monday morning at 6:20 am here. I'm confused on the differences in time. Last week we had lots of snow and low temperatures and yesterday (Sunday) it got up to 63 degrees and is supposed to be in the 50's today. I even awoke to thunder during the night. Everyone is well here. Will be praying for Mike on Thursday as I continue to pray for both of you always.