Friday, January 11, 2008

Quick update

Sorry it has been so long since the last post. We have not had internet access for sometime. We are at an internet cafe now. As soon as we can, we will post pictures, hopefully tomorrow. The meetings with the village headmen went well, thank you for praying. The village headman and children ask you to continue to pray for them. Pray that they can maintain the orphan care program. Michelle has had long days but is enjoying taking care of the the infants at the crisis nursery. She had 10 infants at once this morning! More on that later. Better go for now.


Stephanie said...

thanks for this post. I was getting worried about you guys I hadn't heard from you for a while and I hadn't seen mom online for a few days. I miss you guys and love you very much. Owen and I dance everyday (new years resolution). We have lots of fun. Owen and Michael and I went to see a baby last night and Owen got jealous again. He warmed up to her enough to give her a kiss! It was so cute. I can't imagine taking care of 10 babies though!! Wow. I love you and hope to see you soon!

Anonymous said...

It is so good to hear from you. I have a tendency to worry a little when I don't hear from you but I do know the Lord is taking care of you. Am continuing to pray.