Monday, December 31, 2007


We are thankful that we now have transportation (Toyota Corolla). We arrived in Malawi knowing that we needed to find a vehicle, as the vehicle we were planning to borrow had been wrecked. (see picture at left) All of the borrow/ rental options that we anticipated either didn't work out or won't be possible until later in the month.

Mike was greeting the man who lives next door and mentioned about being unsuccessfull in getting a car. The neighbor contacted his sister who sometimes rents out her car to friends. She brought it by Sunday night and we negotiated to rent it.

We had been very frustrated Sunday, without much hope to find a vehicle. The situation turned so quickly and we were so excited. Later we learned through a friend that the church at home had been praying for us just about at the time this all took place. Praise the Lord for this provision! Please continue to Pray for the Harvest.


Anonymous said...

Many people are praying for you and God is hearing these prayers. God is good. We are thankful that you have a good car for transportation. Sounds like you are doing some entertaining. I am sure they are enjoying a good meal prepared by you both. So you must have a decent accomodations to be able to cook. Chocolate cake sounds good. Did the recipe call for vinegar instead of eggs. My mother told of during the depression, they would make cake that way. I made a good pumpkin cake with only mayonnaise, eggs and pumpkin plus a spice cake mix. It was good and easy. We went out to dinner with a group from the condos and then went to a couple from RI after dinner. Had a nice evening, and even stayed up pass midnight. HAPPY NEW YEAR!! We hope 2008 will continue to be good for you. Got an e-mail from Steph today. She sounds good.
Love and Miss you guys. God Bless and answer all your prayers.
Mom and Dad

Toni said...

The Lord is working in every aspect of your life. It's so awesome to see that. Happy New Year!!!!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you have transportation now. Continue to pray for a good and rewarding trip for you. We have lots of snow here, around 11 inches since Friday. Had to buy a new snowblower. Joey and I went out to eat on New Years Eve. We had to finally stop and get Billy's vehicle in order to get around.

I love you and continue to pray for you.

Anonymous said...

Glad you got some transportation Sis, although in your email you said you were going stir crazy without it. I can't imagine going stir crazy in Africa!! Go out and look for some bugs or something :) Thanks for the pic of the roach, too.

Love Billy

Anonymous said...

I am so excited to read about your adventures. I am praying for you both and thinking of you often. We are blessed as a church family to have you both to be our outreach into the world. There could be no better choice than the two of you. Keep up the good work, and remember we love you.
Pam Harlan

Unknown said...

AWE, LOL, I don't know where to start with reading your blog. It's awesome! You know I have never even been on a mission trip, so now I feel so compelled to go on one from reading your site.

It's quite amazing.

Where do I begin....back in 2007? So confused on where to stay at. Blessings and prayers as you serve Him,

~Jesse and Sarah