Monday, December 31, 2007


Since arriving in Lilongwe we have hosted Pastor Rutherford Banda, Bonface Gauti, and Pastor Oswald Dimba who work in church planting and the orphan care program. They were all doing well. After the New Year holiday we will have the opportunity to assist them.

We had arranged to get a ride to attend church on Sunday, however, our ride called in the morning to let us know that he was ill and could not go. The heavy rains kept us from walking. The day started out gloomy and sad, and we were very frustrated, but through the day it got better.

That afternoon, we decided to bake. Michelle made a chocolate cake (from a recipe that didn't require eggs as the market had been out on the day we went) and Mike made Bible bread. Bible bread is a recipe from a second grade Sunday school class he taught several years ago. So, with the unleavened Bible bread and the grape juice, we had communion together. It was a true blessing.


Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord!!! That communion looks heavenly. God is with you and in you. You are continuely in our prayers.

Love and miss you.

Mom and Dad

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, Mike can cook!? Is this the same guy whose first batch of peanut butter cookies had 1 cup of baking soda instead of 1 teaspoon? Wow, you've come a long way, baby!
Hey, just joshing. I am glad that you arrived safely and it is fun to see how you and Michelle are using such creative problem solving skills to deal with the variety o challenges you are coming across. Best wishes,