Thursday, December 27, 2007

Arrived Safely

After 3 airplane rides, visits to 5 airports, an airport sleeproom in Nairobi, and a truck ride into Lilongwe we are here! We were greeted with hugs and the smiling faces of our friends Bonface, Miriam and Bonnie. This photo is an aerial shot of rural Lilongwe. You can tell by some green, that the rains have come. That is great! Keep praying for the harvest.


Anonymous said...

So glad to hear you have gotten there safely. All is well here. You're in my prayers and I love you.

Stephanie said...

Owen and I are glad you made it safely. We love you and can't wait to use our web cam!

Love you


Anonymous said...

So glad you made it safely and look forward to more pictures and info on the blog. What is the time difference from here?

Love and prayers,
Mom & Dad

Stephanie said...

the time difference is 8 hours so 7 hours from FL.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mike & Michelle, All is well here. Hope you are getting settled. Did you do anything special over the weekend? Happy New Year. Love and prayers.
Mom & Dad