Thursday, January 24, 2008

Fabulous Faces

Here are some photos from the Orphan Care Program in Chidyamaani today. The kids asked for prayer and asked us to greet Larry and Mandy, and the crew that came from Kewanee in August.


Anonymous said...

Good to hear from you. I was getting sorta worried like Moms do. Some beautiful pictures you have there of the kids. Tell Mike Happy Birthday. Did you take pictures to show the kids your family back home?
Love You

Anonymous said...

I love looking at all the beautiful pictures what a lovely place! The people all look so happy to be with you. The colorful clothing fascinates me.(Krista would love to shop there!)I'll continue to pray for you both and all those you are there to help. See ya at church!

Anonymous said...

Missing you likr crazy - had fajitas la=st night at group and was thinking about you as I fried the onions and peppers. Please let me know what you would most want for your first dinner at group - not white flying ants ok? I love you guys but I can't. xxxooo

The Renfros in Malawi said...

Great pictures! Makes us miss home. Larry and Mandy

Julie Kenney said...

I love to see your village pictures and remember the kids. Oh, how I hope to return there someday. What a great feeling that they wanted to send us greetings!
Kewanee crew