Saturday, January 12, 2008

Orphan Care Program

On Thursday, we were in the village of Chidyamaani for the Orphan Care Program and the meeting with the chiefs. At the meeting, Mike spoke to the chiefs. He encouraged them to continue in their leadership in providing for the orphans. Several of the chiefs spoke and mentioned the struggle that it is for them to provide for the program and asked for prayerAfter the meeting the children started to arrive. Over 200 orphans come to the program each Thursday for a lesson, a meal and some fun. Pastor Dimba has been challenging the older children to memorize bible passages. This week many of them recited James 1: 2-8. In two weeks they were challenged to have memorized Mathew 6:25-34. Michelle greeted the children introducing herself and thanking them for their hospitality. Many of the children remembered Michelle from her previous visits. Several of the children spoke and the young girl you see pictured in the red shirt thanked us for coming and asked us to come back again and bring our tall son. Many of the kids remembered Steven from the time he came to Malawi in 05/06.The pictures are from the orphan care program.
Next time we will try to write more and post pictures from the crisis nursery which so far has been the highlight of Michelle’s time here.


Anonymous said...

It is so good to see the kids that you come in contact with. They are all so beautiful. I pray the Lord will give each one of them a better life as they grow older and hopefully grow closer to Him. I can't imagine taking care of 10 babies at once. Miss both of you and pray everyday.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the wonderful pictures and messages. We know God is answering our prayers for you. The green fields, blue skies and joyful faces fill my heart with thanksgiving. God bless you all.


Stephanie said...

Someone asked me how many people are in the town/village that you are in and I didn't know. do you know how many people are in each of the towns that you talk about on your blog?
Miss you and love you

Julie Kenney said...

The green looks wonderful in the village, so different from Aug. I would love to go back after the rainy season. It is great to see the kids in their new school uniforms our church provided. Thanks for the opportunity to see the pictures of the wonderful kids again.
God Bless the work you're doing there.

The Stuck's said...

Wow! 200 children! What a great mission you are involved with. May God bless your efforts.

Anonymous said...

Good post.